Listen to this…
I am not a music critic. I want to make that very clear that by writing this I am not setting myself up as an authority on anything other than my own tastes. That being said, there is so much music out there that I love that I want to share with other people. By doing so I’m not saying it’s objectively good, I’m just saying “Hey look at this, what do you think?”
There is a certain kind of pretension that I despise that claims superiority for simply knowing about an artist. I won’t lie and say I don’t fall into that sometimes. But what I really want when I hear other people discuss music is some kind of passion or conviction. If you like something, I want to see your eyes light up. I want to see you lean forward in your chair. Alas that is more than can be asked of anyone, but its the ideal I aspire to here. I want to convey my feelings in the most energetic way possible, even if that feeling is just “meh.”
In keeping with this, I’ll be rating these albums from 1-5, with five being “Go and listen!” And one being “You don’t need to listen to this.” As with most criticism, the devil will be in the threes and fours. In those cases, I’ll work harder to paint a clear picture of the sound of the album and let you, the reader, see if its something that excites you.
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to discovering new music together!