The Beatles- Revolver


I’m not sure I can review this album. I’m too close to it, it holds too much emotion for me. I’m not saying I can’t be objective, I’ll never make that claim about these posts, but rather I am saying that I lack the power to convey the quality of this album without using hyperbole.

But hyperbole might not even be the issue. “Hyperbole” implies that I would be asserting something, but I’m not. I’m stating a fact, describing a state that just exists.

Revolver is the standard by which I judge goodness. I expect a good album to give me the feeling I have when I listen to this album, which is a sense of cohesiveness in spite of variety, and the use of production to bring out the best in a particular song. Revolver does these better than any album I’ve listened to.

It is The Album.

I can’t even say that I recommend it, rather, if you don’t like it it’s an indicator of the difference of our musical tastes. That’s fine, by the by, but I’d like to be as transparent as possible about where I’m coming from. And if it feels as if my standard is arbitrary, I’d ask the reader if they have something, a measuring stick by which they judge art. If they do, I doubt it can be justified by a rational argument. It just is.



Everything But The Girl- Amplified Heart


RA the Rugged Man- Legends Never Die