Five Songs For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day doesn’t just mean love and romance. It also means emotions like loneliness, as well as the different shades those emotions come in. Here’s a list of songs about those.

Frank Sinatra- “In the Wee Small Hours”

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This is Hollywood’s version of loneliness. It’s Hollywood’s version because no one can be lonely this elegantly.

TV on the Radio- “You”

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This song revolves around one phrase: “You’re the only one I’ve ever loved".” It’s stated matter of factly but with a tinge of regret, as if its a wave goodbye.

Leonard Cohen- “Suzanne”

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Leonard Cohen never had the most expressive voice. But in this song he pushes a bit further to try and convey the complex emotion of the song. For anyone else that wouldn’t be enough, but luckily he had his lyrics to back himself up. “And you want to travel with her/ And you want to travel blind.”

Daniel Johnston- “True Love Will Find You in the End”

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This is a childish song. I want it to be true.

Patsy Cline- “She’s Got You”


This song is a catharsis in the traditional sense, it purges negative emotion by inducing them. Be careful lest you become immune.


Frank Sinatra- In the Wee Small Hours


Joe Meek & the Bluemen- I Hear a New World: An Outer Space Fantasy