Grateful Dead- Anthem of the Sun

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This sounds like it was made by a group of friends working together. I just got finished listening to another album by Dexys Midnight Runners (review forthcoming) and it was very obvious that that particular album was made by a central controlling force. This sounds like Phil Lesh and Jerry Garcia had many stoned conversations, complimented each other and put together an album. This kind of attitude seems like a relic of the hippy movement. And it is a hippy record talking about “ smoking craters in my mind” and “a bus to Neverland.” Its the kind of thing that went out of fashion years ago but is still fun and interesting today.

If I had to describe this album in one word, it would probably be “fun.” Fun in the same way the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney is fun. It has a slow pace, some twists and turns, some dark parts, but it never feels out of control or too scary. Especially on the opening and closing track, things can get rather crowded and confused, think some of the weirder parts of “A Day in the Life” by the Beatles. But its never too much, it never becomes unpleasant. And the pleasant parts are much more pleasant than the unpleasant parts are unpleasant.

My favorite track is “Alligator” I recommend everyone listen to that. I’m starting to realize my own conservatism when it comes to music. It’ll take me a while to get used to eight minute guitar solos. I think part of it is that I remember lyrics so much better, for whatever reason, that I have trouble retaining long instrumentals in my head. But I’m trying. The reason I bring this up is because “Alligator” is the most “conventional” sounding song on the album, and there’s enough going on in its eleven minutes to last an entire album. It also feels like it could be separated from the rest of the album and lose none of its power. To put that in music business terms, it could have been the lead single.

I can’t say I “get” the Grateful Dead, not yet. I think I need at least one more good album, maybe two before the switch clicks and I see the light. Right now I can’t call myself a fan, the music is just a little too far outside of my comfort zone. But the thing about comfort zones is that the only real fun comes from going outside them. Look out for more Grateful Dead reviews on this site in future.

4/5 If you’re not a fan of the Dead just listen to “Alligator.” Otherwise, this is quality stuff, just maybe a little too niche to warrant a five.


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