Sylvan Esso- Sylvan Esso


This album is simple. In this case I mean “simple” in the sense of “unified.” Sylvan Esso have a definite “sound,” one that is made up of two elements: the production and electronic work of Nick Sanborn and the ethereal voice of Amelia Meath. Turns out that’s all you need for a good band.

Meath previously was a part of an all girl group called Mountain Men which does harmony laden folk songs with a wispy, spooky edge, and she carries that style over to Sylvan Esso, except in this case the harmonies are created through loops. Also from Mountain Men is taken a certain childishness or playfulness (one of the songs is called “H.S.K.T,” or “Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes”). The effect is mesmerizing in the original sense of “hypnotic.”

There are no big themes to this album, which is a lot coming from a guy who sees big themes in everything. I have tried to find something, but find myself lost in the music every time. Lyrics don’t particularly matter, Meath’s voice is more of an instrument than anything else. It’s pretty clear that Meath and Sanborn are just creating the music they want to create, and it is a joy to listen to.

4/5 I’m not sure what I can say to make you go listen to this album. I can pretty much guarantee you’ll like it, just because there’s nothing here to dislike, unless you just can’t stand electronic music. Check out “Coffee” to get some idea of what you’re getting into. Also check out a live performance. The way these two work together is wonderful to behold.




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